Why Us

Moving... without the melodrama
According to a report produced by Legal & General in conjunction with CEBR, 3.1m UK households are occupied by a single person aged over 55, with two or more empty bedrooms. It’s a growing trend, and the report’s authors predict the total will rise to 3.4m by 2021.

This group have been named last-time buyers because a time will come when they want to downsize. This may be to cut costs, release equity for travel or to pay grandchildren’s school fees, or because of health or social reasons. When dealing with the upheaval of a house move, it’s critical to have a calm presence you can depend on.

And that’s where FlitMate comes in…

We project manage Edinburgh house moves, especially (but not exclusively) for older people.

Nothing fazes Robert Edwards, the inspiration behind FlitMate Ltd. You might be wondering why he is so completely unflappable?

It’s because Robert has lived, worked and travelled to many challenging environments around the world. For example, he was Head of Operations for one company in Afghanistan, and for another in Jordan that specialised in dealing with hostile territories. This global career means he has dealt with many, many house moves. He knows what it takes, what can go wrong, and how to deal with a crisis without getting in a flap.

What’s more, Robert is educated to Masters level, and applies his keen intelligence to managing house move projects effectively, efficiently, and calmly. Naturally, Robert is completely trustworthy. Fees are paid in instalments, and he never directly handles client funds. This means you can be confident about leaving any important house move in his capable hands.

Most importantly, Robert will keep you updated constantly so you know what’s happening at every stage.